Monday, March 27, 2023

*🤏Serpent bite in a dream*

*Open Heaven Prophetic declaration*

*🤏Interpretation of dreams and prayer points*

*🤏Serpent bite in a dream*

Serpent in a dream means forces of darkness, family idol, foundational battle, evil manipulation, deceiver,monitoring and satanic attack.

Serpent bite means evil deposit or poison.

*How how to handle it?*

1: Surrender your life to Jesus Christ.

2: Purge yourself with blood of Jesus .

3: Search for scripture on deliverance.

4:Fasting and prayer.

5: Meet man of God for prayer, counseling and deliverance

6: Eat the word of God daily.

*👏Suggested prayer points👏*

Luke 10:19 Behold, I give to you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

*Prayer Points*

1: Lord Jesus,I am a sinner,please show me your mercy ,wipe away my sin and write my name in the book of Life in Jesus name.

2: Blood of Jesus!floush out all the evil deposit(poision)in my body in Jesus name.

3: I bilnd  evil spirit assigned to waste my life by the blood of Jesus name.

4: I set every evil altar working against my destiny on fire tonight in Jesus name.

5: I command any evil poision or deposit in my body to come out in Jesus name.

6: I cut off the heading serpent assigned to waste my life by the sword of living God in Jesus name.

7: I use blood of Jesus Christ to blood every loopholes that serpent used to enter my life in Jesus name.

*I decree,every serpent assigned to your life shall die in Jesus name*

*Follow up:*

To join prayer group and Bible study,text your name and number to 08056551461

Love you all ,

Enitan Olusola

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