Monday, March 27, 2023

Your sorrow shall be turned to Joy

The Mind of God for you Today

Your sorrow shall be turned to Joy

John 16:20 Truly, truly, I say to you, That you shall weep and lament, but the world shall rejoice: and you shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy.

Prophet word

My tears of sorrow will turn to tears of joy and new song in Jesus name.

The Message

In the book  John16:20,Jesus Christ said, you will weep,laments but your sorrow shall turned to Joy.

Many people may be laughing at you now because you refused to join them to do evil.Please,don't worry,continue to do good ,very soon they will hear your good news and celebrate with you in Jesus name.

Two things can make people to cry; namely Sorrow and joy.

Sorrow can lead to fear, depression, rejection and death.

Isaiah54: 14 says " In righteousness thou shall be established and you shall be far from oppression.

I prophesy to the life  of the reader of this message, sorrow will be far from you and God will establish you home and abroad in Jesus name

John10:10 ,Jesus Christ came to the world to give you life more abundantly.

This tell us that ,the will of God for us is to have   peace and joy unspeakable.

I prophesy to your life, your joy will be full ,complete and overflow in Jesus name.

Salvation of the Lord will make the joy of the Lord to flow to your life every day. Salvation means total deliverance from sin and power of darkness.

Love righteousness,hate iniquities and accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior.

Don't turn back, continue  to serve the Lord in truth and spirit and peace of the Lord that pass through understanding will keep your body,soul and spirit in Jesus name.

Look at Jesus,the author and finisher of our faith. Serve him in truth and spirit and your sorrow shall turn to Joy unspeakable in Jesus name.

Weep no more, cast your care on Jesus Christ and you will rejoice forever more in Jesus name

Prayer points

1: Lord Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and savior, please save my soul and write my name in the book of live in Jesus name.

2: Father, please let what I am passing through now turn to testimony in Jesus name.

3:Father, please don't allow Satan to add sorrow to my joy in Jesus name.

4: Father, please don't allow me to receive bad news over my husband(wife),children and my family member in Jesus name.

5:Father, please restore back to me the joy of my salvation in Jesus name.

Follow up:

To join the Bible study, text your name and number to 08056551461

Love you all,

Enitan Olusola

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