Monday, April 3, 2023

Deliver me, O Lord

 Deliver me, O Lord

Time: 12am

Psalms 140:1 Deliver me, O LORD, from the evil man: preserve me from the violent man;

Prayer Points

1: Deliver me ,O lord from the evil man ,and preserve me from the violent man who purposed to overthrow my going in Jesus name.Psapm140:1-4

2: O lord ! Cover my head on the day of battle in Jesus name.Psalm140:7

3: O lord ! Please don't grant the desire of wicked so that he will not further his wicked act in Jesus name.Psalm140:8

4: Father ,let burning coal fall upon all the evil men around me and don't let them rise again in Jesus name.Psalm140:10

5: Father ,please don't allow evil speaker to be established on earth in Jesus name.Psalm140:11

6: Father ,please give me grace to dwell in your presence always in Jesus name.Psalm140:13

7: O lord ! Make haste to give ear to my voice and answer me speedily in Jesus name.Psalm141:1

8: O lord! Let my prayer set forth before thee as incense and lifting up of my hands into thee in Jesus name.Psalm141:2

9: O lord! Please set a watch before my mouth and keep the door of my lips in Jesus name.Psalm140:3

10: My eyes are unto thee,O lord in thee is my trust ,leave not my soul destitute in Jesus name.Psalm141:8

11: Attend unto my cry, for I am brought very low: Deliver me from my persecutors for they are stronger than me in Jesus name.Psalm142:6

12:Bring my soul out of prison ,O lord that I may praise thy name in Jesus name.Psalm142:7

13: Father ,please let thy righteous compass me about and let them deal bountifully with me in Jesus name.Psalm142:7

14: Hear my prayer ,O lord ,give ear to my supplication ,in thy faithfulness and in thy righteousness answer me in Jesus name.Psalm143:1

15: Hear me speedily ,O lord ,my spirit faileth ,hide not thy face from me ,lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit in Jesus name.Psalm143:7

16: Father ,please cause me to hear thy loving kindness in the morning,for in the do I trust ,lift me up in Jesus name.Psalm143:8

17: O lord! Deliver me from my enemies and hide me in Jesus name.Psalm143:9
18: O lord! Teach me to do thy will and let thy spirit lead me in the land of uprightness in Jesus name.Psalm143:10
19: Quicken me ,O lord ,for in thy name' sake ,for thy righteousness sake bring my soul out of trouble in Jesus name.Psalm143:11
20:By thy mercy ,O lord cut off my enemies and destroy all of them that afflict my soul in Jesus name.Psalm143:12

Follow up:

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