Thursday, April 27, 2023

Whosoever you sow ,you shall reap*

*The Mind of God For you today*

*Whosoever you sow ,you shall reap*

Bible Reading: Judges1:5-7

*Memorise :*

Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap.


I will reap all the good seeds I have sown in the pass in Jesus name.

*The Message.*

The word of God is the same yesterday,today and forevermore.

Everything's shall fade away, but the word of God abide forever. 

According to Galatian 6:7 ,God is not mocked: for whatever a man sows ,that shall he reap.

If you sow good things ,you will reap good things but if you sow bad things ,you will reap bad things.

In today bible reading ,King Adonibezek always cut off  people thumbs and great toes. One day ,he was pursued , captured ,and his great toes and thumbs was cut off.  

Before he died , he cried out and said " Threescore and ten kings ,having their thumbs and their great toes cut off,gathered their meat under my table: as I have done ,so God hath requited me.Judge1:6-7.

*I prophesy ! You will not learn in hard way in Jesus name.*

Don't be like King Adonibezek that learnt in hard way,amend your wicked ways and turn back to God.

Stop sowing the bad seed ,continue to sow good seeds and good things will begin to follow you and your children's Childreen in Jesus name 

*Prayer Points*

1: Father ,please show me your mercy and let your blood wipe away my iniquities and reproach away in Jesus name.

2: Father ,please let your mercy wipe away punishment of sin over my Life and my Childreen in Jesus name.

3: Father ,please let me continue to sow good seeds and let me reap it back in Jesus name 

4: Father ,please don't allow me to suffer the punishment of   bad things that my parent has done in the past in Jesus name

5: Father ,please don't allow power of darkness to destroy my harvest in Jesus name.

*Follow up*

For counseling prayer and bible study ,connect with us on WhatsApp No: +2348056551461

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