Sunday, August 20, 2023



1. Thank You Father!

Daddy wants me to tell you; that every "Dead Projects" shall resurrect - Amen!

2. Daddy asked me to tell Someone  that your own Time has come at Last - Amen!

3. The Lord asked me to tell Somebody:

You are not where you ought to be because the Fellow who should help you has refused.

*The Lord asked me to tell you that he won't be able to Sleep again until he has helped you - Amen!*

4. Ha! Thank You Daddy.

The Lord says there is Somebody here tonight: 

*He says, against all Odds, by the time you are coming Next Year (2024), you will come with your Husband - Amen.*

5. Thank You Father.

The Lord asked me to tell Someone here: 

There is a Noise going on in your head that sounds like Air-Conditioner working. 

*God asked me to tell you: With the next shout of Hallelujah, the Noise will be gone - Hallelujah!*

6. Oh! Thank You Daddy.

The Lord says there's Someone here: 

Many times in your Dreams in the recent Past; you have had to wake up suddenly because Someone has been trying to choke you.

*Daddy asked me to tell: The Demon will never return - Amen.*

7. Hallelujah!

The Lord says somebody is asking - And you have wondered about something: "Is Triple Promotion Possible?"

*God said I should tell you, "I will make you a Classical Example - Amen.*

8. Daddy asked me to tell someone here: that very soon you will be Singing. 

*And the Song would be, "it is Raining all over me" - Amen.*

9. Daddy says I should tell all of you that every Seed sown this Month (August 2023);

*The Harvest will be Beyond Expectations - Amen!*

10. Oh, the Lord is here tonight!

*The Lord wants me to tell Somebody: I have given you Victory before; I will give you a bigger one - Amen.*

11. Praise God - Hallelujah!

Daddy asked me to tell Someone here: Get ready for hard work.

*He says, because I am about to Open many doors simultaneously - Amen.*

12. Ha! Thank You. 

The Lord asked me to tell Someone here: Today, you are fighting a battle of a Lifetime.

*He asked me to tell you: I have set Confusion in the Camp of your Enemies - Amen.*

13. Thank You Daddy.

The Lord asked me to tell Someone here: You will be Pregnant this Month - Amen.

*And not only that; the child you shall bring forth will become a Great Man of God - Amen.*

14. The Lord asked me to tell Someone here:

A Prophet gave you a very "Frightening Prophecy".

*God asked me to tell you that He didn't send him. So forget the Prophecy - Amen.*

15. The Lord asked me to tell a certain Man of God here:

*He said, the Holy Spirit will begin to move you "More Powerful" than ever before - Amen.*

16. The Lord asked me to tell Someone here:

*He says, I will give you a Vision that will lead to Mighty Prosperity - Amen.*

17. Daddy asked me to tell Someone here:

*Out of the Present Hardship, you will come out Triumphantly - Amen.*

18. I have to say Amen to this one before I tell you - Amen!

*Daddy says: The one who would be referred to as the "Greatest Miracle" of this Decade is here tonight -(Amen)!*

19. Thank You Father!

The Lord asked me to tell Someone here:

*The one who is blocking your Vision is already on the way Out - Amen.*

20. I want to say Amen to this before I tell you - Amen!

Some years ago there was this Magazine about Motor cars and Automobiles, and they were ranking the cars. 

They said Mercedes Benz is the Strongest; BMW is the Fastest;. Lexus is more Comfortable. 

So I was asking a friend, what's wrong with this People? Where did they put Royce Rolls? 

My friend said, when they are talking about cars, you don't want to mention Royce Rolls; because it is in a "Class by Itself".

*I am telling you that because God asked to tell somebody: One day when Great People sit down together and they are talking about Greatness; they would Point to you and say: "Your case is Exceptional" - Amen.*

21. I want to say Amen to this one again; and f this is the only one I got I will be happy - Amen!

Because God says, there is someone here today:

*He says, I will give you ten (10) Years of Unlimited Joy - Amen.*

*The Great Mouth of the One Who is able to do Exceedingly Abundantly Above all we think of or Imagined thereby going "BEYOND OUR EXPECTATIONS" has Spoken His Words into our ears and He will Speedily fulfill His Words in our lives!*

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O lord'! Cleanse me from my sin

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