Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Prayer to have Dominion over Sin(9am-12pm)


   Three Days Fasting and Prayer

Prayer to have Dominion over Sin

Time: 9am-12pm

Bible Text :Psalm7:11,Jeremiah5:25,Lamentation3:39,Proverb28:18

Bible Memory Verse:

Jeremiah 5:25 Your iniquities have turned away these things, and your sins have withheld good things from you


Sin separate you from your maker and give Satan access to enter your life.

To receive your total deliverance, you must repent, confess your sin, and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior.

I pray that blood of Jesus Christ will redeem your soul today and set you free for the power and bondage of sin in Jesus name.


I belong to Jesus Christ, sin will not have Dominion over my life and my name will enter the book of Life in Jesus name

Prayer Points

1: Lord Jesus Christ ,i am a sinner, I come before you, please show me your mercy and let your blood purge my sin away in Jesus name.

2: Lord Jesus, please remove heart of Stone from me and give me heart flesh in Jesus name.

3: Blood of Jesus, block all the loopholes that Satan used to have access to my life in Jesus name.

4: I rebuke Satan and all his works in my life and family in Jesus name.

5: Blood of Jesus, uproot seeds of darkness in my life in Jesus name.

6: Lord Jesus, please make me a new creature and let old things past away in Jesus name.

7: Father, please show me your mercy and let your blood cancel the punishment of sin over my life in Jesus name.

8: Father, please don't allow my past mistake and error rub me my blessings now or in future in Jesus name.

9: Father, please don't allow me to suffer the punishment of sin of my parents in Jesus name.

10: Lord Jesus Christ ,be my master, write my name in the book of Life and give me Grace to sin no more in Jesus name.

11: Father, please let me overcome temptation that come on my ways in Jesus name. James1:2

12:Father, please give me Grace to be patient and endure to the end in Jesus name. James1:4

13:Father, please enrich me with your wisdom in Jesus name. James1:5

14: Father, please enrich me with your good gift in Jesus name. James1:17

15:Father, please give me the grace to be the hearer and doer of your word in Jesus name. James1:24-25

16: Father, please give me the grace to control my tongue always in Jesus name. James1:26

17: Father, please bless me to take care of fatherless, widow and the church of God in Jesus name. James1:27

18:Father, please enlarge my coast and make me a solution to my generation Jesus name.

*I prophesy to your life, God will answer you by fire in Jesus name*

Follow up

for counseling, prayer and bible study, connect with us +2348056551461



1 comment:

O lord'! Cleanse me from my sin

*EndTime Evangelical Revolution Ministry* *Three Days Fasting and Prayer* *Time : 6am-12pm* *👏Hour of Prayer👏* Bible Text :  Psalms : 51 :...