Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Divine Restoration

    Divine Restoration

   Bible Reading:           Joel2:25-27,2Samuel9-7

Bible Memory Verse:

Joel2:25” And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath earthen, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you


Restoration is the action of returning something back to a former owner, place or condition.

Divine Restoration means God return every good thing that you lost back to you

Various ways to lost virtues are as follows:

1: SIN or   iniquities.    Jeremiah 5:25, HOSEA 4:7

2: Lack of knowledge and Vision. Joel .215

3: Disobedience to the word of God: 1Samuel15:18-20

4: Worshipping other gods. Psalm16:4

5: Satanic attacked. Daniel10:13-15

6: Fornication and adultery

7: Wrong Association of people

8: Touching the accursed things

9: Open your mouth widely to take

What to do to receive full restoration

1: Turn to God with all your heartland with fasting, weeping and morning. Joel 2:12-13

2;’Gathering minister of God to cry to GOD.Joel2:15-18

3: Encourage yourself in the LORD.Joel2:15-18

4: Make enquiry from GOD.1Samuel30:6

5: Apply wisdom, knowledge and understanding.1samuel30:11-12

6: Seek good counsel. Proverb24:6

7: Pursue, overtake and recover it all.1Samuel30:10

Various area you need full divine restoration are:

1: Your health. Jeremiah30:17

2: Your marriage or home. Proverb14:1

3: Your Glory. Isaiah 60:1-end,1peter 5:10

4: Power, authority and fire. JUDGES16:2810-30

5: Your riches and wealth. Job20:15

6: Your eyes or sight. Mark10:51-52

7: Your joy of Salvation.Psalm51

Prayer Points

1: Father, please show me your mercy and wipe away my sin with your blood in Jesus name.

2: Father, please heal me and restore my health back to normal position in Jesus name

3; Father, please restore my lost wealth and riches back to me in Jesus name.

4: Father, please anoint me with fresh power, fire and authority in Jesus name

5: Father, please open my sight, let me see clearly in Jesus name

6: Father, please heal all my land in Jesus name

7; Father, please perfect everything’s that concern me in Jesus name

Follow up

for counseling,prayer and bible study,connect with us +2348056551461

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