Thursday, November 23, 2023

Miracle of Open doors

Miracle of Open doors

Bible Text : Colossians4:3,Revelation 3:8,1Corinthian16:9,2Corinthian2:12,John10:7,Mattew7:7-8,Revelation 4:1-3

Memory Verse

1: Revelation 4:1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up here, and I will show you things which must be hereafter.

2: Isaiah 60:11 Therefore your gates shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day nor night; that men may bring to you the forces of the Gentiles, and that their kings may be brought.


Miracle of opening doors means miracle that give you access to good things and total breakthrough in life both spiritual and physical.

I prophesy! May God open doors of good things for you today in Jesus name.

Basic Fact about doors

1: Door can open or closed.

2: Doors give access to different places.

3: Doors have master key to open it.

4;:Door can be opened continually or gradually.

5: Door can open widely or little by little.

What to do to receive miracle of open doors?

1: Genuine Repentance (Born again).John10:9,John3:5-16

2:Hear the word of God, Keep it and obey it.Isaiah1:19,Revelations:3:8,Psalm1:1-3.

3: Praise, worship and Thanksgiving.Psalm100:4,Act16:25,Psalm50:14-15

4: Prayer.Act4:31-33,John14:14,Colossians4:3-4

5: Faith.Mark11:22-25,Hebrew11:1-20

6: Giving 2Corinthian9:7,Proverb19:17

7: Payment of Tithe and offering.Malachi3:10

8: Sacrifices and offering.1kings3:4,Psalm50:5

9:Righteousness and Holiness.Hebrew1:9

Types of Doors that must open for you.

1: Open doors of salvation and faith.John10:9,Luke13:24,Revelations3:20

2: Open doors of Heart Act16:13-14

3: Open doors of service and utterance.Colossian4:2-3

4: Open doors of Healing.Isaiah53:4-5

5: Open doors 9f blessings and financial breakthrough .Malachi 3:10,Act4:33-end

6: Open doors of Heaven.Act7:56,Revelations4:1( Glory of God)

Prayer Points

1: Father ,please open doors of salvation for me today and save my soul completely in Jesus name.

2: Father ,please open doors of utterance for me and let me begin to speak your mystery in Jesus name.

3: Father ,please open doors of effective ministry for me in Jesus name.

4: Father ,please open doors of blessings and financial breakthrough for me continually in Jesus name.

5: Father ,please open the doors of the heart of many people for me , let the listen to my message, favour me and promote me in Jesus name.

6: Father ,please open doors of healing for me ,heal my soul today and don't let me sick again in Jesus name.

7: Father ,please open the doors of heaven for me , let me come up higher and let me see your glory in all area of my life in Jesus name.


1: For counseling ,prayer & bible study ,join us on  Saturday by 9:30am @Gospel camp, command Ipaja Lagos. Call or chat on WhatsApp no: 08056551461/08034073055

2: To pay your tithe ,offering and to support the ministry ,credit the following bank account :No:2030411915 First Bank



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